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Saturday, 28 July 2012

Hazare threatens fast-unto-death from tomorrow

A poor crowd on a weekend at Team Anna's indefinite fast today did not deter Anna Hazare to threaten a fast-unto-death from tomorrow on the Lokpal issue andtalk about a political alternative in the 2014 elections.  

Hazare also took on the Congress and the BJP saying the country's future does not lie safe in their hands but said he himself will not fight the elections though he would campaign for those with clean background selected by people. He also accused the government of cheating them repeatedly on the issue of Lokpal and that he is forced to fast again and again, which is "not a happy thing".  

"I will fast until we get Jan Lokpal," Hazare, whose four-day ultimatum to government on a decision on his demand sends today, told a crowd of around 1,000 this afternoon.
