Enlightening Kashmir

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Saturday, 28 July 2012

Environmental conservation

The world is facing many serious environmental problems polluted air and water, the biggest hazards, are causing millions of deaths and illness. Smoke from cooking causes more havoc than respiratory diseases than factory or vehicular smoke. Industrial pollution has wrecked rivers, canals and destroyed aquatics. The students have a yeoman's role to play in conservation of environ-ment, deteriorating beyond measure, day to day. The community, an asset of better tomorrow, has to inculcate over masses an aware-ness to preserve the delicate balance in eco-system, disturbing beyond repair and recognition in several cases. Since, environ-mental degradation is a global problem, a concerned effort on the part of students can to a larger extent infuse the environ-mental consciousness among all and sundry before it gets to late to mend the matters. Need of the day is to take efforts to create awareness among the masses about the importance and side effects of degradation of forests. It is ironic that people do not give heed to rapid degradation over the hills causing imbalance in the eco-system. It is a great threat to crops, fodder, drinking water, hampering in power potential etc.

In an attempt to civilize himself, man has created a state f decadence, continuously tampered with nature drifted himself to the vortex of woe and miseries. With the onslaught of industrial-ization nature has become victim of rapid exploitation leading to pollution and depletion of its resources. This destructive trend can be slowed down subject a collective care and concern is launched for environmental consciousness by the student community in the nook and corner of the state/nations, paving way to curb the menace for all times to come.

Despite the fact, a major segment of populace, is aware of consequences caused by the polythene, still its use is being made lavishly. The polythene contaminates water ruin the agricultural land, pollutes air and the like. Thus students can play an important role of awareness and education to the common masses about the hazards use of polythene.

Increasing traffic is also playing its part in polluting atmosphere what is fun of utilizing multi-crore of rupees on point and electronic media for propagating to save environment from pollution caused by exhaust, nicotine and smoking etc, when the government itself is involved in creating such unavoidable issue by issuing permits to open more and more factories of tobacco, liquor and defected motor vehicles.
