Indian smartphone maker Micromax has launched its first smartphone with 3D screen, named Canvas 3D. This device has been priced Rs 9,999 and does not require 3D glasses to view the content. According to the company, the technology required to convert standard images into 3D format has been embedded into this smartphone.
The all-new Micromax Canvas 3D A115 boasts of a 5-inch display and runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). This dual-sim smartphone runs on a 1GHz dual-core processor and supports 32GB memory card for storage expansion. The company has not revealed the RAM and internal storage offered with this device.
For imaging, the phone has a 5MP camera on the back, whereas a VGA unit is placed in the front. For connectivity, the new Canvas 3D has a features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 and microUSB. The 2,000mAh battery of this smartphone offers talk time of up to 4.5 hours.
The manufacturer has included access to Micromax 3D Space, which has 3D videos and games. This phone will be available in the market from the first week of May as well as the company's website.
Currently, the only other smartphone with a 3D screen in India is LG Optimus 3D, priced at Rs 26,400.
Micromax in January announced that it will launch a total of 30 smartphones this year. It has since run into trouble in meeting the demand for its flagship Canvas HD phone and has stopped taking orders for the same.
Recently, Micromax said it has shipped 1 million units of its Canvas series of Android phones. The company also claimed that it was the biggest retailer of phablets in Q4 2012 with 1.98 lakh shipments, ahead of Samsung's 1.89 lakh units in the same period. According to market research firm IDC, Micromax was the second biggest smartphone maker in India in the last quarter of 2012.
(Times Of India)
The all-new Micromax Canvas 3D A115 boasts of a 5-inch display and runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). This dual-sim smartphone runs on a 1GHz dual-core processor and supports 32GB memory card for storage expansion. The company has not revealed the RAM and internal storage offered with this device.
For imaging, the phone has a 5MP camera on the back, whereas a VGA unit is placed in the front. For connectivity, the new Canvas 3D has a features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 and microUSB. The 2,000mAh battery of this smartphone offers talk time of up to 4.5 hours.
The manufacturer has included access to Micromax 3D Space, which has 3D videos and games. This phone will be available in the market from the first week of May as well as the company's website.
Currently, the only other smartphone with a 3D screen in India is LG Optimus 3D, priced at Rs 26,400.
Micromax in January announced that it will launch a total of 30 smartphones this year. It has since run into trouble in meeting the demand for its flagship Canvas HD phone and has stopped taking orders for the same.
Recently, Micromax said it has shipped 1 million units of its Canvas series of Android phones. The company also claimed that it was the biggest retailer of phablets in Q4 2012 with 1.98 lakh shipments, ahead of Samsung's 1.89 lakh units in the same period. According to market research firm IDC, Micromax was the second biggest smartphone maker in India in the last quarter of 2012.
(Times Of India)