In his valedictory address, Minister for Higher Education, A G Malik who was the chief guest on the occasion while maintaining that huge investment in research for promotion of science and technology is the key to the overall development of the region of Jammu and Kashmir said, “Some of the identified problem areas of our state like generation of sufficient power, road network and rail connectivity, health care, food security, climatology, shrinking of glaciers, threat to biodiversity, pollution of the water bodies and agricultural production are in need of revolutionary scientific and technological inputs and if knowledge of science with modern technology is used in these areas the entire state will witness a huge paradigm shift on developmental front and ours will become a prosperous state.” However, he added, “At the same time there is an urgent need for huge investment in these areas to overcome the yawning gap between the opportunities and investment so that necessary financial support is provided to the research institutes, universities and colleges to pursue research in the thrust areas and find solution to the problems which have a direct bearing on the growth and development of our state.”
Underscoring the need for effective collaboration amongst research institutes, Universities, industry and Government Malik said that the recommendations of the congress should be forwarded to the relevant quarters and policy makers so that they get the scientific inputs which will help in the promotion of science and technology in the region.
In his presidential address, Vice Chancellor, University of Kashmir, Prof Talat while terming the congress a huge success said, “Though the congress is based on the regional affairs and development of Jammu and Kashmir but it was encouraging to see that delegates, scientists and scholars from 49 institutions outside the state of J&K also participated in the three day mega event and presented their useful deliberations during various plenary and technical sessions.”
Maintaining that there is a dire need of such scientific discourse in the state given the fragile ecology of the region Prof Talat said, “Our state of Jammu and Kashmir falls in the seismic zone V which makes it vulnerable to several kinds of environmental and geographical disasters including earthquakes, landslides, cloud bursts and floods. Therefore there is a need to put our heads together and find solutions to these problems with the help of advances made in the field of science and technology.”
Speaking on the occasion, Dean (Academic Affairs), Prof A M Shah who was guest of honour on the occasion said, “It is the responsibility of the Universities and colleges to attract the young talent towards science and provide them necessary infrastructure and support for research. There is a need to give fresh impetus to science and technology in the region in order to encourage the passion for research amongst the young scientists at college and University level.”
While presenting some of the recommendations of the 8th JK Science Congress, Prof M Afzal Zargar who was convener of the congress said, “Besides recommending the formation of a state level task force committee which will look upon the digitization of the various issues and concern related and affecting the biodiversity of the region the 8th congress also recommends that special schemes need to be initiated in the state of Jammu and Kashmir for the promotion of science and technology and a comprehensive policy on science and technology needs to be development so as to give impetus to the research, education and innovation in science so as to have better results.”
On the occasion awards and certificates were distributed amongst the best presentation of the three day science congress.
Those who received the awards include Khalifa Aslam from Botany department KU, Burhan Asad from Botany department KU, Mohsin Gazi from SKAUST (K), Durakhshan Syed, Suhaib from CORD KU, R Simnani from Gousia Hospital Srinagar, Idrees fazili from Central University of Kashmir, Saba Niyaz from Chemistry department KU and Adil Hameed Khan from statistics KU.